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Is Management Leadership Dead?
Are you providing leadership to your team? Do you have a good understanding of who does what in your team and how long it takes? Are you inspiring your workers to be more successful? Are you spending all of your time managing paperwork or clients, leaving no time for managing your employees? Are your employees happy and productive? If you aren’t sure about the answers to these questions, why aren’t you? Finally, how could you improve your leadership?
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 25 April 2018How to Put the “I” in Teamwork
Management books are filled with mentions of teamwork, and the importance of having employees work well together as a team is well understood. The problem is how to make it happen. Generally, the focus is on how managers can bring their teams together. What people forget is that managers themselves are a critical part of the team. Here are ways to make sure you aren’t the missing link in your team.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 18 April 2018How to Fold Space: Document Management for Remote Workers
When you have the right documents to hand, it makes the difference between a smoothly running organisation and a series of ‘rabbit-in-the-headlight’ moments.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 12 April 20185 Ways to Connect to Your Employees
Many managers strive to be better leaders with ambitions that go beyond even those lofty aspirations of reducing employee turnover and improving staff productivity. Many of us, though, don’t know how to go about making those change. Here are ways that you can connect with your team and improve their teamwork.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 10 April 20185 Tips for Building More Effective Teams
Businesses rely on teamwork. Getting your staff work together effectively can make all the difference when it comes to getting work done on time, on budget and to standard. Teams can also be a wonderful way to bring together different specialties and make the work more interesting. Alternatively, though, they can result in disorganisation or lost time that people find frustrating. Here are ways to create teams that will work well together and efficiently get work done.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 4 April 2018Member Portals: Making membership more engaging
The larger a membership base becomes, whether that be internal members, clients or associates, the more resource that will be required to manage your group. Rather than increase staff costs, the provision of a 'Self Service Member Portal' adds value in many ways. This in turn allows you to focus your staff's attention on increasing the service and value offered to your members, resulting in improved engagement and increased retention.
Read MorePosted by Jacqui Hogan on 19 March 2018Why Are Remote Teams & Workers More Motivated?
Anyone who has ever tried remote working is likely to tell you that this is a wonderful way of gaining a more flexible lifestyle. Yet, what you may not realise is that people who work from home are often more highly motivated as well as happier.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 28 February 2018What Can Businesses Learn from Teamwork in Sport?
Teamwork is one of the key elements in the success of any group of people. Without this, you just get a bunch of individuals doing their own thing without any concern for the overall results.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 13 February 2018Why is Teamwork So Important in Business?
You have probably heard at some point that everyone needs to work together as a team. There is no “I” in team, after all. Equally, teamwork makes the dream work and together everyone achieves more. Yet, what do these popular phrases actually mean? Basically, why is teamwork so important in business?
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 24 January 2018Tips on Hiring Remote Staff without Any Fuss
The move towards hiring remote staff has given businesses all over the world a far greater degree of flexibility. It is now possible to build up a team that is effective and cost-efficient without housing them all under one roof. However, the idea of hiring remote staff can be daunting for anyone doing it for the first time. Thankfully, there are some easy tips that will guide you smoothly and painlessly through the process.
Read MorePosted by Kevin Senior on 16 January 2018 -
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