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Manage the Cold with Smart Software

on 22 October 2015

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Posted by Kevin Senior

It's getting on to being that time of year again and recent reports have us all hoping for a white Christmas. But are they all they're cracked up to be? Forget all those roasted horse chestnuts and cockle-warming glasses of mulled wine - once the big freeze hits, once those train tracks start frosting over, and once those arctic chills start kicking in, the only white Christmas you'll want to hear about will be the one sung by Bing Crosby.

That's because, whichever way you look at it, working once the temperatures have plummeted - or getting to and from work - is quite frankly a miserable business.

Wet, windy (we're talking gales here, people), frost and snow - it may be good for the gritting industry, but elsewhere havoc reigns. And that's what we've been told to expect from as early as this weekend.

So come Monday morning, when the Tubes are down and there are queues of chattering teeth lining up to stoically step on to whatever placement bus service is available; and when small businesses get hit financially because they've been forced to pay for staff that weren't able to get in on time, if at all; and when those same team members are vocalising their desperation to leave work early in order to be able to make it back home without being stuck on frozen roads, trains and Tubes during dinnertime, remember one thing: it needn't have been thus.

Cloud-based software for teamwork and collaboration allows for the virtual office; made up of remote teams it may be, but communication experiences no disconnect. Project management is made so much more simple with an online workspace that acts as a central repository for documents, where file sharing, task tracking and general interaction all occurs online and in the same place.

What need then to suffer the trials and tribulations of a British winter come early? Setting up cloud-based project management software for teams and co-workers is quick and painless and the Glasscubes pricing structure is extremely flexible. But best of all, you can be enjoying a nice hot cup of cocoa, wrapped up in your favourite reindeer-themed pyjamas, all the while in communication with your team - online, available, at work, and safe from all that nasty traffic and cold weather.


About this author: Kevin Senior

Managing Director at Glasscubes. With over 30 years experience working with businesses of all sizes and industries, Kevin brings success to fast growing companies advising on best practices and growth lead technology solutions.