Classic Barriers to Adopting Cloud Computing Technology
on 31 May 2016
For any SME, the decision over whether to use cloud software or install an in-house server is a big one. The difference in cost could be significant, it could have a large bearing on how efficient a number of operations are, and there are other areas, such as speed and security, that could be seriously affected one way or the other.
But surely this should be a no-brainer? With a Glasscubes workspace, you have a suite of online collaboration tools that make communication natural, documents are easily accessible, and file sharing practical and conducive to efficient practices. Furthermore, our project management tools allow for effective project planning and tracking.
Yet still many progressive-thinking SMEs will deliberate over whether to use cloud computing or an onsite server for their needs – perhaps they want full control over how their office essentials are managed, one that’s fully tailored to the specifics of their operations, or they may have concerns such as security and service fees.
Let’s take a closer look at the classic barriers to adopting cloud computing technology:
Cloud services don’t offer the same levels of security
The best cloud services provide file encryption and complex infrastructures that ensure the highest safeguards against risk, quick file restoration and rollback. Glasscubes is fully accredited and operated from a premium data centre based in London’s financial district.
An in-house system would be faster than using the internet
Fast, reliable operations are essential for the efficient transferring and accessing of files, and it is true that historically a system with computers cable-connected to the server offered faster download and upload times. But that is no longer the case. Typical internet connections now offer stunning speeds and with Glasscubes online collaboration tools, you can also benefit from multiple uploads, version control and offline file synch.
Employing the services of a hosted cloud server will be expensive
This is a big worry for business owners, yet the cost of an internal system will normally far outstrip that of a service provider. An in-house server will typically require its own room, temperature control, they consume a lot of energy, and the maintenance requirements may be high. Glasscubes meanwhile allows you to pay for what you use, with no fixed contract, and amazingly accessible fees.
Implementing an outside system will cause problems
A common fear is that shifting away from an existing setup invites problems, or that turning to a cloud service means inflexibility and a load of training. In actual fact, the Glasscubes online workspace is customisable and so simple to use that it requires no training whatsoever. Super user-friendly, the single requirement is a working internet browser, and immediately users can start chatting, sharing files and managing tasks.
The Glasscubes solution to project management and team collaboration is so quick and easy to use that you can get started right now.
Sign up now FREE 30-day trial, no payment details required!
Glasscubes is user-friendly collaboration software for businesses. Connect everyone that you work with in an online workspace which improves the way you share files, manage projects and communicate with each other. For more information please contact us by calling +44 (0)20 3274 2310 or email us at