Streamlining Your Business: Collaboration Software
on 20 June 2017
Employees are under increasing pressure. As margins become tighter, productivity and workload have to increase for each individual worker in order for business to move forward and remain competitive. Everyone has to handle more, do more, and achieve more, and here we look at how there are alternatives to simply just working harder – like working smarter.
Within this is the role that team collaboration software can play and how your business cannot afford to be without it.
Often, when work levels are cranked up, the quality drops, and that simply cannot be allowed to happen as your customers/clients will soon look elsewhere. Maintaining the high standards that won you contracts in the first place requires organisation and standardization. In order to work smarter, we look to streamline our caseload, but the best intentions often fall flat when our in-tray, digital or otherwise, is overflowing, and there is human interaction that needs to take place too. This is where team collaboration software comes in to save the day...but be warned, do not simply dabble or dip in and out of the software, the more you immerse yourself and your business in it, the more it pays you back…
Find the Right Fit
You have a project, you have an established talent pool from which to select your team, and rather than spend time interviewing, speaking with and to the potential candidates, effective online communication lets each individual list their skills in their profile, against which you can search for the personality traits you are looking for, giving you the most suitable candidate without wasting time.
Communicate Better
If we documented how much time we spent reading, sending, and considering emails, it would frighten us, especially when those long threads start. Add to that phone calls and you are talking about a large proportion of every day; time that could be spent looking after your clients rather than just conversing. Glasscubes’ suite of project management tools pulls it all together in a single online workspace.
We all use social media, so imagine if the new team collaboration software worked in a similar and hence familiar way, we’d all be able to use it, get to grips with it immediately, and moreover get the most out of it too – perhaps even enjoy it? Implementing the Glasscubes solution is designed to work exactly in this way, with the worker experience always in mind. Simple, intuitive, fast.
Remote Workers
The need for everyone to work in the same centralised office is dying if not already dead, and through team collaboration software, offices are now wherever the employees are at any given time, remote, mobile, and even abroad. Even intercontinental work is made a breeze.
One Window
Working need no longer require multiple windows, covering various elements of ongoing projects. Glasscubes’ team collaboration software consolidates everything that a project needs and places it in all in one convenient location, visible and accessible to all members of the team.
Out of nowhere, one of your team has a great idea, but then they are off site, or on holiday. The best ideas are often bolts from the blue, but a lot of the best ideas remain just that, ideas. You need to introduce and implement them into the project as and when they occur, in real time, and team collaboration software permits this. No ideas are lost, and the contributions keep on coming in.
What most people do not realise is that being disorganised is hard work. Files, plans, ideas, projections should be available to the whole team, in an easy-to-locate manner. Truth is, if you want to be truly “lazy”, get organised, as you will spend less time hunting around for that plan or email. Consider the mantra that you are too lazy to be disorganised, you want everything there, just where you need it, as you need it. You will not need to log into third-party sites, everything will be integrated.
Do not think that your business is too established to start with “new” software. All your existing strategies, procedures and working practices can be easily integrated into team collaboration software, and more often than not, this can be done seamlessly.
Your sales force and marketing team need their own space, not because they do not get on, but because they have different working practices. Project management software allows “spaces” to be designated within the overall system. No longer will sales emails go to accounts or vice versa, everything will be targeted specifically to the correct audience. Again, think no more wasted all-party emails that nobody actually thinks apply to them.
Schedule clashes are common, and more often than not a lot of time is spent thinking of when is best to discuss doing something, rather than just getting it done. Shared diaries help with this, but the software also allows for individually personalised diaries which do not include unnecessary detail.
Things are done more smoothly, quicker, when they are needed, at the right time, for the right people…the positives are many. Content can be created, considered and critiqued much more easily. There is a dynamic fluidity to the working practices when using team collaboration software. The walls between internal and external communications can be overcome more readily, things can be pushed, marketed, and discussed globally, instantaneously; the world is suddenly much easier to circumnavigate.
So if you want to work smarter, cut out down time in terms of administration or unnecessary tasks, improve flexibility and heighten the working experience and moreover enjoyment of your employees – after all who doesn’t like to feel appreciated? – then it seems as if there is only one option, team collaboration software. So hands up who wants it?
Want your team to have effective document collaboration? Make sure your tool of choice has these seven features.
Glasscubes is a user-friendly collaboration software for teams. Connect everyone that you work with in an online workspace that improves the way you share files, manage projects and communicate with each other.
For more information, contact us by calling +44 (0)20 3274 2310 or email us at
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