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Does the location of your Cloud Service Provider matter?

on 11 May 2015


Posted by Jacqui Hogan

Phone box, UK data secuity and cloud data storage

It may sometimes seem like the whole technology world is owned and run by US technology companies. But this isn’t the case. There are many UK based companies quietly competing with them and providing services that are just as good, if not better.

Here are some reasons why you should consider buying your collaboration tools from a UK based technology company.

Data storage is in the UK, not in some foreign country subject to their laws

So, you’re looking for a new software tool to improve the way you work, it might be to help you with Customer Relationship Management, File Sharing, Project Management or Finance.

There are a number of tools on the market, all of your attention is centred on the features of each of them to address your specific requirements. You start a number of trials, some are more user friendly than others to get the hang of and eventually you decide to subscribe to the best tool that meets you’re needs.

BUT, did you give any thought to where your data is going to end up? Which country this might reside in? Are you bothered as long as the tool does the job?

Knowing the location of where your data gets stored using these tools is really important. In the US for example the data privacy laws differ from EU and UK legislation. Did you know that depending on the industry sector that you work in, organisations can be governed by EU laws concerning Data Storage which you could well be breeching by using a US hosted tool.

Most US based technology companies will comply with US laws before UK or EU laws. They don’t really have a choice if they want to stay in business.

“Both Amazon Web Services and Microsoft have recently acknowledged that they would comply with U.S. government requests to release data stored in their European clouds, even though those clouds are located outside of direct U.S. jurisdiction and would conflict with European laws.” (Forbes)

This may never affect you, but why take the risk when you can use a collaboration tool based in the UK, like Glasscubes, with data stored in the UK?

Tools designed by UK people for UK people

You’re up against a deadline; your team in London is new to your corporate collaboration tools and gets a message something like this:

“The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available. The Application Pool or Managed Metadata Web Service may not have been started. Please Contact your Administrator.” (SharePoint)

Say what?

Most of us here in the UK prefer a message that is a little more friendly and personal, like this:

“I hope you’re getting to grips with Glasscubes and already finding it useful. However, I do appreciate that when you start using something new, it’s sometimes difficult to know where to begin. I work with customers every day solving their business challenges through the effective use of Glasscubes. I’d be happy to share my experience and do the same for you.” (Glasscubes)

You're investing local

We all know that the world is coming out of a very deep recession. The UK is currently amongst those countries leading the way. But we are still in a fragile economic state, and our recovery will be affected by the success of UK based businesses; businesses who are providing employment in the UK and who are paying taxes here in the UK.

All else being equal, why not support your local UK technology businesses (like Glasscubes)?

UK based support

a) put your hand over the phone and scream for a minute or two,


b) wish you’d picked a UK based collaboration tool supplier with a help desk in the UK, like Glasscubes, staffed by English speakers, who know exactly how to help you.

        Your choice!

Better understanding of UK data security issues

Although many non-UK collaboration tool vendors claim to conform to the legislation governing UK data management, this does not affect most of their clients, so they are not as savvy about what it means. While US based collaboration tool vendors may conform to UK legislation, such as the Data Protection Act and ISO-27001, this isn’t core to their strategy or their knowledge base.

Glasscubes is a UK based collaboration tool vendor. Find out more about how it could help you rise to the challenge of this new way of working by calling +44 (0)20 3274 2310.


About this author: Jacqui Hogan

With over 30 years technical and management experience in the IT industry, Jacqui has mentored many individuals and business owners to greater success with helping improve communication, technology project management, change management, and innovation.